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** Available after 4PM **

Add Soup - 5     Add Salad - 7 

W/CHICKEN - 20     W/SHRIMP - 22     W/SHRIMP & CHICKEN -25


Blended Basil, Parsley, Pine nuts and Garlic in a creamy Parmesan sauce


A Riverside favorite

Mediterranean Adventure

sauteed Onions, Basil, Parsley, Garlic and Oregano in our delicious Riverside Marinara Sauce topped with Feta and Parmesan Cheese

Portabella Mushrooms

Sauteed in a garlic & white wine reduction and topped off with out creamy Alfredo sauce and shaved parmesan

Chicken Parmesan

Chicken breast coated with Italian bread crumbs, Swiss Cheese, and our Riverside Marinara sauce. 

We regret that we cannot vary our recipes (by removing or adding ingredients) as this will affect the actual flavor of the dish and the originality of the taste we are trying to achieve.

We thank you for your understanding.